Monday 15 December 2008


To call the quarters begin in the East. While holding burning incense, walk the circle in a clockwise direction saying the proper invocation below (or one like it). As you walk the Circle also picture a bright yellow light rising from the Earth behind you. Upon returning to the East, leave the burning incense and move to the next quarter.

South is next; with a burning candle follow the same steps as above, except use the invocation for the Southern Guardian and picture the rising energy as red in colour. Leave the candle in the south and move on. For West use a bowl of water and imagine the rising energy in blue. In the North use a bowel of salt and imagine the energy is green.


O hear me great Guardian of the East

This Circle is open and waiting in peace

We ask your assistance during this rite

Lend us your power for these deeds tonight

Let all your magick and energy flow

Let your spectacular winds now blow

Clear this space of ill will and spite

As you join this Circle in a bid to do right.


O hear me great Guardian of the South

This Circle is open, within will not souse

We ask your assistance during this rite

Lend us your power for these deeds tonight

Let all your magick and energy turn

Let your magnificent fire now burn

Clear the space of ill will and spite

As you join this Circle in a bid to do right


O hear me great Guardian of the West

This Circle is open and waiting our guest

We ask your assistance during this rite

Lend us your power for these deeds tonight

Let all your magick and energy glow

Let your fabulous waters now flow

Clear this space of ill will and spite

As you join this Circle in a bid to do right


O hear me great Guardian of the North

This Circle is open and waiting in accord

We ask you assistance during this rite

Lend us your power for these deeds tonight

Let all you magick and energy flow

Let you glorious strength now show

Clear this space of ill will and spite

As you join in this Circle in a bid to do right

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